Fired Up or Burned Out

What things are offered for your learning today? Do they fire you up or burn you out?

Fired Up Burned OutWorking in the corporate world and climbing its ladder, or managing a job and keeping it at the same are needs that need to be fulfilled in every individual. Michael Lee Stallard (with Carolyn Dewing-Hommes, and Jason Pankau) in Fired Up or Burned Out illustrates how to find meaning and make a valuable experience in doing so. He emphasizes on the use of connection on the initial pages of the book. Such connection, at first, reminds me of when you know someone in the Bureau, it is good because he/she can back you up for a job that you don’t actually meet the qualification. No, Fired Up or Burned Out does not adhere to that. It is the personal relationship we make that radiates deeper meaning to people we interact with that inspires them and boosts the best in them. He classifies connection people make as intentional connector, intentional disconnector, and unintentional disconnector. Which of them are you? It is a question that pushed me to read from such initial pages up to the last ones. Connection, as Stallard points out, affects our success in life. For one, it takes only an ability to climb the ladder and reach its top, but it takes a good character to stay on it. Fired Up Burned Out back coverThus, the respect and affirmation we give to others, more specifically in the workplace, motivate the workers to perform their best in their jobs, which as a result enables you, as a CEO of your company or organization for example, to achieve your mission or vision that lacks personal agenda. The book teaches connection based on experiences of leaders in the history, such as George Washington, Marquis Lafayette, and Queen Elizabeth I among others, who empowered their people compared to those leaders, like Frederick I, who took their powers according to their whims and caprices that made their subjects revolt against them. Success in any endeavor is fundamentally based on character strengths.

So, when nothing around you seems to fire you up today because of the trend of disconnection, take a moment and decide to read Fired Up or Burned Out. You will see things in a different light.

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