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Choice or Indecision

choice indecision

My lady friend is getting married. (She owns the copyright of this photo.)

Years have passed and I’ve just realized. Almost everyone I know picks a relationship, gets into engagement or embraces marriage. Jubilant and furious faces, dazzling and parched ones, they all purge me of a single question: Why are you still single?

“Mr. Right hasn’t arrived yet.” I have memorized this line that saying so with fantastic smile has become effortless. Then at the back of my mind something resonates, is being single really a big deal these days? I don’t want to get into a relationship simply because everyone is doing so. If it is their priority, I couldn’t blame them. They have their own reasons. But as far as I am concerned, it isn’t a priority. I am on a project that hasn’t materialized yet. I don’t want to nurse a baby while I’m rushing for my Bar exams, and I couldn’t lose my precious solitude while taking care of a husband and memory-copying my books at the same time.

Yes, when all my friends are out with their partners either on Friday or Saturday nights, or on getaways on long weekends and I couldn’t reach them, I ask myself whether being single is really my choice or just a result of indecision.